Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Anna: 3 months old!

Anna is three months old!!!!  Time is just flying by!  By the way, how great is this picture!  =)  She had her second round of shots last week - I'm not sure who it was worse for, her or me!  Poor thing - she was screaming - and it was the kind of inconsolable scream that just makes you want to cry!  She was fine about five minutes after that, but still! 
Anna is definitely into her three month clothes now and they are so much cuter than her newborn onesies she's been wearing, by the way!  She is also starting to teethe - it's hilarious watching her try to "scratch" her gums - she literally tries to fit her whole fist in her tiny little mouth!  We finally found a pacifier that also has a teether on it (she can't yet hold onto the teething rings she has).  Hopefully that will help with the itchiness she's feeling.  
Anna is all smiles all the time and it is the most amazing thing to see!  It just makes my heart melt - what's better than that!?!  I am also attaching a video of Anna smiling and "talking!"  She's very talkative and inquisitive.  She also follows us around the room with her eyes and is starting to grasp and hold onto her toys!  I know I said this before, but Anna really does grow and change every day!  Also, her crib is now in her own room (was in ours for the first 9 weeks) and she sleeps about six hours straight, then I nurse her and put her back down and she usually sleeps for another three.  Also, we have had two nights where she slept all the way through the night!  Well, I hope you enjoy the video!  We look forward to seeing everyone in a few short months!  Love you all!


Blogger Jay and Lori Seppanen said...

She's adorable!

June 8, 2012 at 4:59 PM  

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