Friday, February 25, 2011

Just call me "Julia!"

Much to my mother's dismay, I did not receive her genetics when it comes to cooking. Well...I'm not sure if it is the missing genes or my lack of desire, but either way, I'm no Julia Child! So, in an effort to become better acquainted with all things culinary, I've been experimenting with some new recipes.

When we were skiing in France last month, we had lamb shanks for dinner one night - and they were amazing - fall off the bone, juicy! So, I thought what better time to conquer this dish than now!

I had an idea of how I wanted to prepare the meal - I've been keeping up with Jamie Oliver (he's pretty big over here in the UK) and other shows. So I walked to the store - it was a beautiful day yesterday - sunny and 54! Picked up my ingredients and got back home around 3:30 to start cooking.

I flash fried both lamb shanks in olive oil to help seal in the flavor of the meat; then removed from heat and set aside in a casserole dish. I then cut up a couple cloves of garlic, a whole onion, two stalks of celery and a handful of small baby potatoes. I quickly fried these all together in the left over juices/olive oil from before and put them in the casserole dish with the lamb shanks. I added chicken stock and had some beef stock left over from another meal, so I used that too. Not sure if that's the proper way, but I didn't want these things to be dried out. I seasoned with a mix of herbs and spices, salt and pepper and covered. Cooked for an hour, then removed the lid, then cooked for another hour.

Below is my mini-masterpiece! Maybe I am as good as Julia (or at least well on my way)! Next on the list: Beef bourguignon!


Blogger Debbie said...

Whoo whoo! Your story sounds like Julia's story. A married woman follows her husband across the pond as he pursues his career path. She has some time on her hands and is searching for something exciting to do. She discovers that she looovvves to eat and BINGO! she'll learn to cook! She enters a culinary school and learns to chop onions at lightening speed, faster even than her classmates. Oh, wait a minute, that's in a scene where Meryl Streep is playing Julia. Ha ha. Sarah, I'm very impressed with your lamb shank dinner and hope that someday your dad and I will have the chance to sample your new found passion. Love, Mom

March 15, 2011 at 2:39 AM  
Blogger jr said...

Wasn't that a great movie? I'll bet it has inspired more than a few young ladies to pursue culinary arts. Good job, Sarah! If it tasted as good as it looks, you are well on your way to becoming a gourmet cook!

September 29, 2011 at 10:22 PM  

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