Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Happy Birthday to the BEST MOM in the world!

Since I was in the hospital on Mom's birthday, I wasn't able to post this in time. But, I was thankfully able to Skype from the hospital with her and Dad - who were celebrating at the lake cottage up in Michigan with Amy and Geoff!

Happy fifty-something birthday Mom! You really are the best Mom in the world and I don't know what I would do without you. Thank you for always supporting me, encouraging me and loving me. I am so very blessed that you are my Mom!

Wish we could have been there to celebrate with you!!!!! I love you and miss you!
This is my favorite picture of Mom and Dad - aren't they so cute?!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Anderson Family Update

I must apologize for the delay in getting new posts out.  I'm not sure if anyone noticed, but my last posting - Back in England - was back-dated as I was not able to post it when I wrote it.  The reason being, I was hospitalized for kidney complications.  I was released last Thursday evening and am finally feeling like my old self again! 
In what has thankfully been an uneventful pregnancy - no morning sickness, no aches, no pains, I've been active and eating well - this sudden and horrendous kidney pain (hyrdronephrosis) was a major scare for us.  After eight days at the hospital, midwives who tried their best but weren't always available and numerous doctors without many answers, horrible hospital food, and a staph infection in my arm, I am glad to just be home.  Baby and I are doing much better - better every day. I still have some residual kidney pain, but I am no longer taking pain meds and am only needing a heating pad to help ease the pain.  
Flowers my Aunt Mary & Uncle Steve sent to cheer me up!

Here is a picture of me a couple days after getting out of the hospital - feeling much better as you can see!  Baby is growing more and more every day!  Eight weeks to go and Dave and I are anxiously awaiting Baby Anna's arrival!

32 weeks
Thank you to all of our family and friends for your love, prayers and support during this very stressful time.  We feel so very loved and blessed.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Back in England!

We've been back in the UK almost a week, and I must admit, I already miss home.  There really is nothing like being home, especially for the holidays.  I can't even begin to explain, after being away for nearly a year, how great it was - being so close to family and friends, driving a car and on the right side of the road, the conveniences of home, the food, the weather, the...well, everything!  I certainly appreciate home a lot more being away overseas. 
While home, my sister Amy and her husband Geoff, threw us a couples baby shower and invited all of our closest friends - it was so nice of her to do this for us and for all of our friends to be there to support us.  In addition, my Mom also threw me an amazing baby shower and invited family from both sides.  Needless to say, we feel very loved and it is very evident little Anna is already loved and adored very much! 
As we approach this next chapter of parenthood, I have been feeling a bit nostalgic about my own childhood and how amazing my parents were with my siblings and I - all the things they taught us, the family get-to-gethers, the vacations we took, the endless soccer games and practices, the ups, the downs, and through it all, all of the constant love and support.  I hope that someday I can be at least half the parent my parents have been and still are to me. 
We are now 30 weeks along - I cannot believe how fast this pregnancy has gone!  We're in the final stretch!  Little Anna is moving all the time and is definitely getting bigger - she also loved the food back home!  We had our 29 week midwife appointment last week and things seem to be progressing nicely.  My midwife, Kim drew my blood to check my iron levels.  Right now, I am sort of feeling the need to "nest."  Dave and I managed to get all of Anna's shower gifts back here to England and I have washed all of her clothes and we set up her bassinet.  Her room is about ready to go, minus a few items.  I still need to get some sort of dresser or temporary storage container for all her cute little outfits.  I have a list of things I still want/need to purchase and still need to organize the closet in her room as it's full of mom and dad's coats at the moment!  Not a whole lot of storage space in English homes! 
Other than that, Dave and I are enjoying our last few weeks together as a couple and are anxiously awaiting the arrival of our little one. 
We are so thankful we were able to be home for Christmas and for the time we got to spend with all of our loved ones.  It was a bit hectic trying to squeeze in time for everyone and I apologize if we weren't able to see you.  We will definitely make up for it once we move home this Fall. 
We miss you all so much!  Lots of love from the Andersons!