Thursday, October 20, 2011

Baby Update: Week 18

I am now at 18 weeks and baby and I are getting bigger!  I finally gave in and purchased some maternity clothes.  Not going to lie, there aren't too many maternity stores around here that have nice looking clothes, so I was glad when Dave found a Gap Maternity in Leicester (about 25 minutes away) -  he made my day!  I bought a pair of jeans and a few shirts - I'm trying to stick with the essentials for right now.  
I've pretty much stopped my running - it is starting to get uncomfortable.  I walk four miles a day - either on my old running course through the Mickleover neighborhood, or at the gym we just joined.  It's definitely not as rewarding to me as running is, but still a good workout and probably safer for the baby at this point along in my pregnancy.  On a side note - all my workout gear is starting to fit funny - I am probably the pity of all the women in the gym locker room (they all look like they just stepped out of a Nike ad/beauty salon)!  I have to wear two sports bra's, a t-shirt of Dave's and in order for my Nike running shorts to fit, I have to "sag" them!  Changing in the locker room used to never phase me!  But it's all worth it!  =) 
 As far as food cravings go, I have a couple - peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and raspberry-banana smoothies!  I can't say why in the world I crave PB&J so much as it's something my Mom used to make for me every day for lunch since I was a little kid through high school!  In fact, I don't think I've eaten a PB&J for about 10 years up to now!  And as for the smoothies - it started when I had a bout of morning sickness in my first trimester - I couldn't eat much as nothing was appetizing and smoothies settled my stomach.  Also, it's easy to make and a healthy snack and I just can't get enough of them for some reason!

I finally started two registries for Baby Anderson - one at Target and one at buybuyBaby.  My Mom and sister are both throwing us baby showers for when we come home for Christmas and I figured I should start figuring out what we need!  Not going to lie, the task is a bit daunting as there is so much out there to choose from!  Also, I need to figure out what we should just buy here in England vs. what should stay home until we return home next year.  The baby will be about 6 months old when we move home, so I'm thinking he/she won't need a ton of stuff here, but will definitely need/want them for later on.  Anyway, if anyone has any suggestions on products or must-have's, I'm open to advice!  
Lot's to do!  We are so excited about coming home for Christmas and seeing everyone!  And I know Dave is excited for some extended time off from work!
We have our second scan on November 1st and will find out if we're having a boy or girl!  So stay tuned!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Fall and baking!

Fall is in full swing and, as one of my favorite seasons, the fresh brisk air always reminds me of scarves, cable knit sweaters, hot apple cider, tailgating at football games, soccer season, and my Mom's baking!  I had some fresh apples lying around and decided I'd do some baking of my own!  
I don't bake often, but when I do, I am always glad I did - the house smells so good and of course the end product is the best reward!  I usually bake too much for just Dave and I, so most of the batch goes to work with him to share with his colleagues!  
I found a recipe on for Apple-Nut Muffins with Streusal Topping - just the sound of the title instantly sold me!  

There may or may not be one missing - but for quality control purposes only!  =)  These muffins were great - very moist!  Definitely made the house smell amazing - reminded me of home! 

Monday, October 3, 2011

16 Weeks!

I am officially in week 16!  According to, Baby Anderson is the size of an avocado!  Baby has been busy growing and as for me - my tummy has been busy doing, well, much of the same!  My jeans are a bit tight now and I've been relying on my little handy-dandy tummy tube!  They're great and definitely help!!  Plus, I'm not quite ready for maternity clothes yet and these tubes allow me to still wear my jeans comfortably!  Also, I have yet to find any maternity clothes here that remotely look halfway decent.  I'll just have to do some more shopping around!

Last week was our second midwife appointment!  My blood tests came back great - not anemic, great iron levels, I'm 0+ and my blood pressure is 100/60!  We also got to experience another amazing milestone - we got to hear Baby Anderson's heartbeat!  It was right up there there with seeing the baby on the ultrasound! - so amazing!  Before the midwife began, she said that sometimes they have a hard time finding the baby's heartbeat, not because there is a problem, but because the baby is hiding.  So, that made me sort of nervous because I had been looking forward to this day for, well, since we found out we were pregnant!  The midwife stuck the fetal Doppler wand thingy on my belly and immediately found the heartbeat!  It was so cool to hear it!!!!!!  Dave had the biggest smile on his face - seeing him so excited made me even more excited!  The midwife then said, "Your baby sure isn't shy!"  And we all laughed! 

I haven't felt the baby move or kick yet, but will let you all know as soon as I do!  More updates soon!