Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Baby Update: 37 Weeks!

We've made it to 37 weeks and are officially "full-term!"  According to www.thebump.com - baby is the size of a watermelon!  This picture is me right after I got home from my prenatal workout class at David Lloyds (the gym we belong to).  If you're thinking I am looking a little worn out (and pasty white - man, I need a tan), you would be right!  Sleeping is getting tougher - just can't seem to get comfortable and there aren't enough pillows in the world right now to help alleviate that problem!  Also, contending with heartburn and peeing every hour on the hour doesn't help either.  Not that I am complaining - it's all worth it!  =)  Anyway, I've been taking classes at our gym with other expecting women - it's pretty fun and a great workout!  Also, it's great to talk to the other girls about how their pregnancies are going.  Our instructor/trainer is really sweet - she's had three children herself (and you'd never know it) and created this class because she wished it had been available to her when she was expecting.  A few weeks ago, I ended up being the only one who made it to class and she gave me my own private training session!  Was pretty great to have a one-on-one, catered workout!  In addition to the prenatal class, I go swimming just about every day - feels great on my back and is a great full-body workout. 
Baby Anna is moving around all the time - I'm not sure how there is any room left for her to move in there - but she seems to be the most active after meals and at night.  Dave and I have fun trying to figure out which body part she's poking around with - but most of the time, I think it's her butt!  =) 
Anyway, Dave and I are excited - could be any day now!  We will be sure to keep you all posted on our impending arrival! 


Blogger Jay and Lori Seppanen said...

Hey, where's the baby pics? Quite laying around and post some. ;) Can't wait to see her!

March 5, 2012 at 10:23 AM  

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