Monday, July 2, 2012

The Olympic Torch comes to Derby!

The 2012 London Olympic torch has been making its way across the country and stopped in Derby Friday evening.   We of course wanted to see it and experience the event!  It ended up being a great night - the rain held off and the temps were in the low 60's.  It was exciting to witness this historical moment and we were able to capture some great pictures with some great friends!  
Some fun facts fellow RR expat Steve Frey found out:  There are 8000 torchbearers overall who carry the torch about 300 meters each - although, the torch does get driven some legs of the tour.  The torch has 8000 circles, is 800 mm high and weighs 800g - little overboard there, but you get the point!  Anyway, after arriving in nearby Ashbourne, it traveled to the Marketplace near the Cathedral and from there, came up Duffield Road and into Darley Abbey Park.  The Frey's, fellow expats who live right down the road from Darley Abbey Park, let us and a two other expat families park at their house and we all walked over to the park.  Very helpful - especially with baby and stroller in tow!  
The park was absolutely packed!  We were going to try to find a closer spot to the stage, but found out that the torchbearer was going to be running right by where we were already standing, so we stayed put.  
 Anna was a trooper!  She hung out in the stroller for a bit and then was up to check out the torch later on!
 Me and Steve chatting it up.  Mark and little Andrew by the other stroller. 
Here it comes!
Torchbearer James Toseland
I wasn't able to get this close, but found this pic on the web - pretty awesome! - credit Gareth Fuller

Lighting the cauldron
Anna and I with the torch and runner, Helen Hopkinson
The guys with the torch - Mark Creason, Jay Seppanen and Dave

Overall, it was a great evening!  After the torch festivities were over, we headed back to the Frey's for an impromptu pizza dinner.  I am so excited we were able to witness this event and I can't wait to tell Anna one day about her little place in England's Olympic history! 


Blogger Beth Brent said...

so cool!! :)

July 2, 2012 at 5:40 PM  

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