Sunday, September 11, 2011


In every generation exists an event so tragic and momentous, it shapes not only the lives of the people it affects, but challenges the foundation on which our great nation was built.  It is this foundation that has withstood these horrific events and has remained resilient despite them.   These events have come to define who we as Americans are and what we stand for.   

I was a sophomore in college.  It was a beautiful fall Tuesday morning. I was on the women's soccer team and we had a game at 1:00 that afternoon - due to this, I didn't have to go to my 11:00am class and chose to sleep in.  It was around 9:00am and my dorm room phone rang.  I didn't answer it.  It rang again.  I ignored it again.  It rang a third time and finally giving in, I jumped out of bed and answered.  "Hello," I said.  It was my best friend, Lindsey on the other line.  She said frantically, "Turn on your TV, NOW!"  Confused, I clicked the TV on and tried to ask her what was going on and what channel to turn to but immediately cut myself off when I saw at that very moment the second plane crash into the World Trade Center.  It didn't matter what channel to turn the TV to, every channel was playing the exact same footage, just from a different angle.  I couldn't believe what I was watching.  About ten minutes went by and I realized I was still on the phone with Linds - neither of us had uttered a word, we just watched silently, in horror.  I then told her we'd better hang up and call our families. 

Emails flooded my inbox.   Albion College notified all of its students that classes were canceled until further notice and that several locations around campus had large TV monitors set up so we could watch the coverage.  They also let us know that grievance counselors were available for anyone who needed to talk to someone.  Another email came from coach - she let our team know our game was canceled and we had a team meeting later that afternoon.  So much was happening and all I could think about were the images I had seen on my TV screen - people falling from the buildings, the collapse of the buildings, the destruction at the Pentagon, the horrendous smoke clouds overtaking city streets, the loss of so many innocent lives.  Who could do something like this?

Ten years ago today we saw great sacrifice, great courage, and great unity in the face of great evil. The attacks on American soil were designed to weaken the symbols of America, but instead they shone a spotlight on what makes this country so great.  Today, September 11, 2011, we remember, and will always remember those who lost their lives. Please keep the families of the lost and the men and women in our armed forces who serve, in your hearts, minds, and prayers today. God bless our great nation!


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